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I killed him by accident...

John T Gordon "Rusty" was killed May 18th 2008 by a distracted driver as

he was riding his Motorcycle. The accident would change his families lives forever. John was 35 years old, married with two small children. He was a police officer and a bailiff,. He had a good job and loved his family. John only had a few miles to go before the truck driver went left of the centre of the road 28 ft in front of John. John had no time to react and was killed instantly. The driver said that it was just an accident. No, it was not. He purposely picked up his cell phone to send a five second text. It was not an accident, but he only received 20 days in the county jail for killing John. 

His kids had to grow up without a father and his parents worry about growing old without him. Lois and John P. T. Gordon you are in our thoughts and prayers. John will always be remembered.  

This should not have happen. No excuses what so ever, Distracted Driving is one hundred percent preventable. John's life mattered!

In John's Memory put your phones down and just drive.  

Watch out for Motorcycles, we all share the road.

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